You have to know what you are doing if you want to be successful in network marketing. Many people think it is just sales and advertising, or like the Tupperware or Avon Lady, but that is not even close to what it really is. It is a little bit of both, but also so much more.
So, what is network marketing? It is a way of marketing that uses other reps to get to the customers that they cannot reach. With network marketing, you will advertise to your friends and those who follow you online, on behalf of the company you are networking for. For example, if you are networking for Apple, you would be posting info and blogs about Apple products on your social networking pages as well as your friends, and your friends’ friends. You can also use testimonial about how great the products are because you actually use them and they are worth every penny. Your goal would be to sell Apple Products and recruit others to do what you are doing.
Pick Something You Believe In
So, how do you decide what company or product you want to network for? Choose something you believe in. In other words, do not choose a company that sells guns if you are anti-gun. You may not have to love the product or service, but if you are really against it, people can tell.
Check Their Background
Be sure to do some research into the company’s past; like how long have they been in business, have they ever been in any scandal or charged with any kind of illegal activities? If you really believe in a new start-up company and you are convinced they will be a big success, you can jump on that bandwagon, but it is usually better to choose a company that has been around for at least five years.
Know Your Target Market
Do you know who may be interested in the product or service? If you do not know this, you have to find out before you try to do any marketing. How can you market if you do not know who your targets are? You have to know that to determine where they are, so then you know where to place your marketing. For example, if you are targeting young adults from 18 to 25, you should market on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. That is where they are going at least five times a day according to a study done by Forbes.
Stay In Touch
Comment on your social media pages daily, and at a regular time. Set a schedule of times you can be available or just schedule you posts in advance on Hootsuite. You can schedule as many posts as you want for a day or a week, or even a month, and they will get posted at the day and time you schedule them for. It may even be worth while to hire a social media management company, so you can focus on the day to day management of your company.
Do Not Quit
No matter what happens, do not give up. You can be successful. It does not happen overnight. There are obstacles, but you will be glad you stuck with it. If you find yourself needing digital marketing help, then please do not hesitate to contact Cyrux Smart Solutions today at (416) 222-0035!