While web design may seem like an easy thing to navigate on the surface, a site must be meticulously designed in order to ensure it operates properly on a day-to-day basis. Some features are crucial, others worth forgetting, but the more one learns about this topic the more confusing things may begin to seem. Luckily, our team at Cyrux Smart Solutions is here to help with that.
To learn about some of the most important website design tactics and how to implement them to boost your business & its success, check out the information our team has to offer below.
Site Speed
One of the most vital aspects to a good business website is that of speed. This is because most first-time site visitors will only spend a limited amount of time on your site, and the last thing you want to do to those visitors is keep them waiting. When a site is slow, laggy or choppy, it can mess with a visitor’s patience and ultimately lead them to leaving your site prematurely.
When you want to be sure that your site visitors, both old and new, stay for a long time, always make sure your site is as fast as possible in terms of speed. Make sure each one of your pictures, CSS designs and pages load quickly so as to not leave someone waiting.
Navigation Design
Now that you’ve made sure your site visitors will stay on your site, it’s important they can get around your site easily as well. This will almost always have to do with your site’s navigation.
Whether your site’s navigation is located at the top of your page or the side of your page, it is all the more important in making sure your site visitors get where they need to be properly. With the help of this one feature, you can make your site that much easier to function. The best ways to optimize your navigation design is by:
- Making every navigation link clear & separate from the other options. When navigations to pages look like they’re blended together, it makes it more difficult to determine which page is which.
- Providing users with a search bar. While navigation links to other pages is important, a search bar is in some cases, even more vital. This way, visitors can get exactly where they need to without doing any deep searching via the site’s restrictions.
A Mobile-Friendly Design
While many people around the world own computers and use them frequently, now more than ever people are using their mobile devices. As a matter of fact, it has become almost common practice for people to look at business sites on their mobile device, since lots of people visit these sites while on the go, away from their home.
Because of this, you will want a site that is mobile friendly. What does this mean, you may ask? In simplest terms, making a site mobile friendly means making sure the interface is easy to navigate with a phone. For example, while the dimensions for a site on a computer are larger, these dimensions should be smaller when a phone is being used to visit the site. This way, buttons are clearer and bigger to look at, and getting your way around the site is simple.
How Our Team Can Help
If you’ve been looking for the right business to help you with your website design needs, look no further than our company here at Cyrux Smart Solutions. With years of experience in the industry, we work to ensure that your website is easy to navigate, functional at high speeds and nice to look at, reflecting your brand in its truest nature. To learn more about our website design in Newmarket, be sure to give us a call at (416) 222-0035 today.